
There Is Nothing Like a Parent's Love


Infinite Love, the message that these parents wanted their boys to know. These custom cuffs have a secret message inside and on the outside 2 handmade symbols: a heart and an infinity sign.

As this family is growing and these boys head off to college they will be reminded of where they came from with their new cuff bracelets. 

Love is such an amazing thing: 

 when you fall in love with your soulmate

  when you meet your best friend

when you hold your baby for the first time 

In all of its different forms, love sweeps you off your feet and makes you feel like a million dollars. 

The love of a parent and child is a bond that can weather anything and that forever fills your soul with joy. 

Thank you for letting us create for you! 

xox S

Love, sweet love

There is so much about February that makes it one of our favorite months! It's such a magical time of year here in Colorado, snowy and white but mixed in with these beautiful bluebird days.          It is the month that I got engaged to the man of my dreams. It is [...]

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